Let’s Throw a Pot (ages 9-13)

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Let’s Throw a Pot (ages 9-13)

Jim Shaughnessy    $165

A workshop focusing on the basics of wheel throwing.  Various aspects of clay properties, glazing, and design are explored. For beginning and intermediate students.  Enrollment is limited to 7. Materials and firing fees included.

THIS CLASS IS FULL! Contact RoCA if you have any questions, 845-358-0877.

S45  6 sessions starting Sat. May 11       11:45am-1:15pm (no class May 25 & June 15)

Let’s Throw a Pot (ages 9-13)

Jim Shaughnessy    $165   

A workshop focusing on the basics of wheel throwing.  Various aspects of clay properties, glazing and design are explored. For beginning and intermediate students.  Some handbuilding techniques are also introduced.  Materials and firing fees included.

THIS CLASS IS FULL! Contact RoCA if you have any questions, 845-358-0877.

S45  6 sessions starting Sat. May 11       11:45am-1:15pm (no class May 25 & June 15)