Claymation (ages 8-11)

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Claymation (ages 8-11)

Kanitra Perreault                                             $235
In this exciting mixed media studio workshop, children will write the story, create and construct characters, design sets and photograph scenes. Components covered in workshops and courses include writing the story, creating characters, fashioning dialogue, designing sets, creating lighting and sound effects, and photographing the scenes. The workshop will culminate with students working in groups to produce their own short claymation film. 
Registration for winter classes begins Tuesday, November 12 at 10:00 am.
M254 8 sessions starting Sat. Jan. 18     1:00-2:30pm

Claymation (ages 8-11)

Kanitra Perreault                                             $235

Claymation, or clay animation, is a type of stop-motion animation that uses frame-by-frame images to capture the motion of clay figures. In this exciting mixed media studio workshop, children will write the story, create and construct characters, design sets and photograph scenes. Components covered in workshops and courses include writing the story, creating characters, fashioning dialogue, designing sets, creating lighting and sound effects, and photographing the scenes. The workshop will culminate with students working in groups to produce their own short claymation film. 

Registration for winter classes begins Tuesday, November 12 at 10:00 am.
M254 8 sessions starting Sat. Jan. 18 1:00-2:30pm
Claymation (ages 8-11)